Dr. Kimberly “Kimi” Ramírez, Professor of English at CUNY-LaGuardia, teaches composition, dramatic literature, and playwriting. Specializations include drama and performance related to the Operation Pedro Pan exodus that transported Kimi’s mother, aunt, uncle, and 14,045 other Cuban children—including artist-performers Mario Ernesto Sánchez and Ana Mendieta—to the United States.
A creative academic with an M.F.A. in Playwriting and a Ph.D. in Theatre and Performance, Dr. Ramírez’s work straddles various types of pages and stages. Kimi has presented at conferences including the International Federation for Theatre Research, Association for Theatre in Higher Education, American Society for Theatre Research, and International Hispanic Theatre Festival and has published scholarly writing in Recent Trends in Latino and Latin American Performing Arts, Label Me Latina/o: Journal of Twentieth & Twenty-first Century Literary Production, 50 Key Latin American and Latinx Theatre Artists, HowlRound Theatre Commons, Theatre Journal, Cuban Studies Journal, Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature.
Published versions of Kimi’s plays and monologues can be found in Label Me Latina/o: Journal of Twentieth & Twenty-first Century Literary Production, Basta!: Latinas Write on Gender Violence (University of Nevada-Reno Latino Research Center), Collages & Bricolages Journal of International Writing, Mother/Daughter Monologues (International Centre of Women Playwrights Press) and We-Us: Monologues for Gender Minority Characters (Smith & Kraus).
Dr. Ramírez’s original dramatic writing has been presented at Breath of Fire Latina Theatre, Teatro Luna, Repertorio Español, San Diego Repertory Theatre, Teatro del Pueblo, WOW Café Theatre, Nuyorican Poets Café, Teatro IATI, Arte Latino Now, Primary Stages, Drama Book Shop’s Arthur Saleen Theatre, Hippodrome State Theatre, Latin American Theatre Today Festival, Edward Albee’s Great Plains Theatre Conference, Maieutic Theatre/MT Works, Southeastern Theatre Conference, 21st Century Playwrights Festival, Morris-Jumel Mansion with People’s Theatre Project, Tribeca Performing Arts Center with America-in-Play, Martin E. Segal Theatre, the Spoon Theatre, Hudson Opera House, and Lower East Side Tenement Museum.
Dr. Ramírez has produced and directed educational readings, workshop productions, and performances throughout NYC and across the nation. Embracing their Cuban and Spanish heritage, they have featured work by esteemed playwrights such as Nilo Cruz, Pedro Monge Rafúls, Melinda López, María Irene Fornés, Guillem Clua, and Paco Bezerra. Kimi’s contributions have earned recognition from the NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs.
Dr. Ramírez serves as a critic for Talkin’ Broadway and a nominator/voter on the Lucille Lortel Awards Committee in recognition of excellence in Off-Broadway theatre. Memberships include Macondo Writers Workshop (as a lifetime “Macondista”), Speranza Theatre Company’s Women+ Playwrights’ Circle, The Dramatists Guild, International Association of Theatre Critics/American Theatre Critics Association, and The Players founded by Edwin Booth. An incurably homesick Miami native, Kimi can also be found simulating subtropical environments on their unusual New York City patio in midtown Manhattan.