- Ph.D. in Theatre and Performance Studies, City University of New York Graduate Center, 2009. High Pass, written and oral doctoral comprehensive examinations.
- M.F.A. in Playwriting, University of Georgia, 1999. High Honors, Phi Kappa Phi. Study Abroad in Italy and England.
- B.A. in English/Performing Arts, minor in Visual Arts, Clemson University, 1995.
- Graduate years include Master Classes and conferences with Tony Kushner, Edward Albee, Arthur Kopit, María Irene Fornés, Corrine Jacker, Augusto Boal, Antonio Fava, Edwin Sánchez, Jeffrey Sweet.
- “Surrogate Soil: Examining Ana Mendieta’s Earthworks in Exile.” Frontiers & Wastelands: The Boundaries of US Identity, University of Alcalá, Community of Madrid, Spain, 2024.
- “Visualizing Exile: The Legacy of Operation Pedro Pan in Cuban-American Art,” Narratives of Displacement International Conference, “From Homeland to Hostland: Interdisciplinary Insights into Identity and Belonging,” London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Balearic Islands, online/in-person, 2024.
- “Drawing the Line with Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Distinguishing Demarcations and Navigating Contested Narratives” Frontiers & Wastelands: Redefining the Nation in Popular Culture, University of Alcalá, Community of Madrid, Spain, 2023.
- “Six Decades of Contested Freedoms: Performing and Preserving Operation Pedro Pan” Freedom in the Luso-Hispanic World, Florida Atlantic University, 2022.
- “A Picasso Play, Some Pupils, and a Pandemic: Exploring Cubist Theatre in Lockdown” South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 2021 (online conference).
- “¿Neverland, o ‘el Infierno Verde?:’ Mario Ernesto Sánchez’s Matecumbe: el vuelo de un Pedro Pan.” 30th International Hispanic Theatre Festival, Miami, FL, July 2015.
- “Out of the Closet and Into the Kitchen: Negotiating Exclusion through dis/comfort food in plays by Janis Astor del Valle,” Conference of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), San Juan, PR, May 2015.
- “Learning Curves: What are ‘Real’ Women?” and “Spotlight on Repertorio Español: A Scholarly Dialogue with Playwrights Carmen Rivera and Marco Antonio Rodríguez,” The 2nd Biennial U.S. Latina/o Literary Theory and Criticism Conference, NYC, April 2015.
- “Miraculous Sites of Refuge, Resistance, and Renewal in Nilo Cruz’s Hortensia and the Museum of Dreams,” as part of co-chaired panel (with Eric Mayer García) “Dreaming in Cuban: (Re)Envisioning Rituals, Ceremonies, Plays, and Performances on the Island and in Exile,”Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, July 2014.
- “Staging Latinidad: Reports from the field of recent productions of Latina/o and Latin American Plays: Akuara Teatro’s production of Fango (Mud) and Teatro Prometeo’s La conducta de la vida by María Irene Fornés,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, July 2014.
- “Marching with the Ladies in White: Ten Years of Protest in and Beyond Havana,” Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA), Harrisburg, PA, April 2014.
- “Delayed Entrances: Dramatizations of Cuba’s Unaccompanied Child Exiles,” Rites of passage: Childhood in Latin America and the Caribbean at the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) New York University, March 2014.
- “End of Play: Coming of Age Quinceañera Rituals in U.S. Latina/o Theatre and Popular Culture,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, Orlando, FL, August 2013.
- “Re-Visions of Afro-Cuban Santería: from Sacred Sacrifice to Digital Deities,” African and Caribbean Theatre and Performance Panel, International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT/IFTR), Barcelona, Spain, July 2013.
- “Next Year in Havana; Next Year in Jerusalem: Dramatic Recollections of Operation Pedro Pan and Kindertransport,” Conference of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS), Pittsburgh, March 2013.
- “The English Only Law and Linguistic Intolerance” and “Dramatizing Operation Pedro Pan,” The 1st Biennial U.S. Latina/o Literary Theory and Criticism Conference, New York, NY, March 2013.
- “Performing Protest: Global Responses to Damas de Blanco,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, Washington, DC, August 2012.
- “Resurrecting Lorca: INTAR playwrights invoke Spain’s National Dramatist,” as part of the panel Scripting Latina/o Communities: Fornés’s Hispanic Playwrights Laboratory, Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, Washington, DC, August 2012.
- Translating Pedro Monge Rafúl’s Lágrimas del alma,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, Chicago, IL, August 2011.
- “Connecting Communities: the Collaborative ePortfolio,” AAEEBL World ePortfolio Summit, July 2011.
- “Let’s Get Ready to Rumba: Wrestling with Latino Stereotypes” (with Jason Ramírez), Popular Culture Association (PCA) National Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2011.
- “Exchanging Islands: Nuyoricans in Perpetual Migration” (with Tara J. Hickman), New York Institute of Technology 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference:Latinos in NYC, New York, NY, March 2011.
- “Performing Reflections: ePortfolio as a ‘Digital Forum Theatre,'” Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), Boston, 2010.
- “Not from Here: Students Stage Gringos, Habaneros, Boriqueños, and Afro-Latinos through Distant Dramaturgies across the Caribbean.” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference, NYC, 2009.
- “Motherland, Miniature, and Memory in the Installation/Performance Art of María Brito and Ana Mendieta,” American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), San Juan, PR, 2009.
- “Escenificando a Nilo Cruz / Staging Nilo Cruz.” XXIII Festival International de Teatro Hispano / International Hispanic Theatre Festival. Spanish Cultural Center / Cultural Español, Miami, 2008.
- “Performing These Nations in our Nation: Somos “Cubanglos,” “Nuyoricans…” Dos Alas Theatre Highlights Two U.S. Latino Enclave Communities,” Latin American Theatre Today Conference VII (LATT), April 2008.
- “Lost Apple Children,” American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), Phoenix, Arizona, 2007.
- “Crunching Earth Between Her Teeth: Revisions of African Beliefs and Legends in Performances by Ana Mendieta,” FIRT/IFTR, International Federation for Theatre Research, South Africa, 2007.
- “Performance and Installation Art from the US-Cuban Unaccompanied Children’s Exodus,” Lengua y Literatura Conference XII, Department of Luso-Hispanic Literatures, Graduate Center City University of New York, 2007.
- “Performing Pedro Pan: Composing Cuba from Exodus to Exile,” University of California Los Angeles, Department of Luso-Hispanic Literatures, 2006.
- “Fantasy Island: Re-Staging Cuba in the U.S.,” University of Arizona, Global/Local: New Directions in Critical Theory conference, 2006.
- “In the Flesh: Feminist Performance and (Corpo)Realism,” University of London, Institute of English Studies and the British Academy, SKIN: Texture/Textuality/Word/Image Conference, 2004.
- “In the White Room: Documentary Film in Museum Exhibition,” Hawai’i International Conference of Arts and Humanities, University of Hawai’i, 2004.
- “From Doctors to Indoctrinators: Examining Kaspar Hauser,” McGill University, Montréal, 9th Annual Symposium of Language and Literature, Blood Lust/Blood Loss: Representations of Struggle and Desire, 2003.
- “Costume Rendering: A Virtual Studio,” United States Institute for Theatre Technology Southeast Conference, 1997.
- Theatrical reviews for Talkin’ Broadway,, 2022-present.
- Monologue from “Strange Angels” in We-Us: Monologues for Gender Minority Characters. Smith & Kraus, 2023.
- “Rosa Luisa Márquez” in Fifty Key Figures in Latinx and Latin American Theatre, Routledge, 2022.
- On Writing Pedagogy and Plant-based Nutrition, T. Colin Campbell Center of Nutrition Studies,, eCornell University, 2019.
- “Puré de loca,” monologue from whiter by far than an egg in Basta!: Latinas Against Gender Violence. Reno: Latino Research Center, University of Nevada, 2017.
- “unLearning Curves: Stripping the Myth of the ‘Real Woman.'” Latin American Theatre Review, vol. 50, no. 1, Fall 2016.
- The Mosquito Net, a play, in Label Me Latina/o: Journal of Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries Latino Literary Production, vol. IV, Issue 3, 2014.
- “Milagros de aquí y allá: Nilo Cruz’s Hortensia and the Museum of Dreams,” Center for Theatre Commons: Essays Practice, and Opinions, 2014. Web.
- “Let’s Get Ready to Rumba: Wrestling with Stereotypes in Kristoffer Díaz’s The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity” in Label Me Latina/o: Journal of Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries Latino Literary Production, vol. III, Issue 2, 2013.
- “ePerformance: Crafting, Rehearsing, and Presenting the ePortfolio Persona” in International Journal of ePortfolio (iJeP) 1:1, 2011.
- “Interactive Forum Theatre for Research Questions” in Theresa McDevitt and Rosalee Stilwell, eds., Let the Games Begin: Engaging Students with Interactive Information Literacy Instruction, Neal-Schuman Press, 2011.
- “Delayed Flights: Representations of Homecoming and Operation Pedro Pan in Nilo Cruz’s Hortensia and the Museum of Dreams,” in Beatriz Rizk, ed., Recent Paradigms in Latino and Latin American Performing Arts, Ediciones Universal, 2010.
- Excerpts from The Box and Hurricane in a Glass in Emily Ciccini, ed., Mother/Daughter Monologues vols. 1 and 2, Columbus, OH: ICWP Press, 2009.
- “Eduardo del Rio’s One Island Many Voices” Book Review. Cuban Studies Journal 40, 2009.
- “The Lost Apple Plays” in Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature: Theatre and Performance in Nuestra América Volume 32 Issue 2, 2008.
- Performance review of Teatro Avante’s Yerma, International Hispanic Theatre Festival, Theatre Journal Volume 60, Number 2, 2008.
- “Holly Hughes” entry for Groiler Encyclopedia of Modern Drama, 2005.
- “Out of This World: Comparing Sensations of Transport among the Virtual Reality User, the Actor, and the Film Spectator.” Perforations journal of performance art and technology, Issue 19: “Shadows on The Wall: The Virtues of the Unreal,” 1999.
- The Box, one-act play. Collages & Bricolages: The Journal of International Writing, vol. XI, 1998.
- “Vivisectionist of Images,” Book review of Kenneth Bernard’s Clown at Wall, Collages & Bricolages: The Journal of International Writing, vol. XI, 1998.
For full CV with other creative positions, contact [email protected]